TDS results

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  • #8313
    Brian Cheung

    Alright, here are the results from TDS.

    We did notice that Dave Dunwoodie was missing one run in the afternoon. I did fill-in his missing run with a 99.999 in the corrected results.

    Morning results only

    Afternoon results only

    Original uncorrected morning and afternoon

    Corrected morning and afternoon

    Dave Dunwoodie

    You’re missing my 4th run of 46.677.

    Can I get a carryover .567 credit for next year applied to my best run? Or maybe I should have my lawyers negotiate for a large compensation to my tire fund. 😉

    Henry Loh

    Thank you Brian and the rest of team GGCAX!

    In my little mind, the last 2 TDS’s have been the best birthday gifts with some awesome twists thrown in… Last year with the rain, and this year where we literally rode into the sunset – the icing on the cake that is the wonderful, yet competitive, camaraderie of all the members……. I can’t wait to see what next year brings!

    Thank you ALL!



    Peter Thana

    Whelp… I feel bad for taking the last spot in the challenge that should have been Dave’s. Also want to apologize to anyone who was distracted by my lights in the challenge. I just wanted to keep the car running as I forget to turn traction control off 100% of the time if I don’t. Car has auto lights so I turned those off when someone mentioned them, but then the silly DRL halos were still on and can’t be turned off, so then I turned the car around, but eventually I did have to drive up to the line with them on… Definitely wasn’t my intention to distract anyone but I’m not used to running at night 🙁

    Despite all of that, I had a great time at my first TDS and want to thank everyone for putting on a great season. After taking a ~5 year break from autocross of any kind, it was great to remember having enough fun to make you get up early on a Saturday, though maybe not quite as early as I used to 😉
    And just as before, seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones was the best part.

    Dave Dunwoodie

    No worries, Peter. I was glad to see you made it into the top ten. I enjoyed watching you guys run the long course. You are faster than your headlights! BMW CCA GGC is a great group of good friends that I enjoy playing with all year long.

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