Lockheed Martin 7-14 at Marina

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    Mark Mervich

    Anyone, like me, who does not get in enough driving on one weekend day could stay over after our 7/13 event for this event.
    It was great fun last year, gives new meaning to fast and long at marina, I ran out of gas 🙂

    Dave Dunwoodie

    Fast & long? What, do they get to use the runway too? 😛

    Mark Mervich

    They snaked it up and back and had such a late 2nd car start that there were only 2 cars on it. It all worked because there were only 42 drivers.

    Mark Mervich

    Reg closes fri at midnight 🙂 30 people red’ed so far.

    Jeff Roberts

    The MSR has very little info… what time does it start? How does it work? Their website info is from 2006.

    Mark Mervich

    Last year they started bit after 9 and with 2 run groups, we did 4 runs in the morning and 4 again in the afternoon with a lunch break and they provided a BBQ(I do not have confirmation re lunch this year). I have sent out an e mail for more info.

    Matthew Visser

    I will be there. Reg is still open.

    Reg link:

    Driver’s meeting starts at 9a. I have not heard anything about lunch this year. More details should be available tomorrow.

    LM Marina courses are usually super long. They love to make use of every square. I think last year the course was around 90s. They normally run in a LM parking lot where the runs are under 30s. So Marina is a nice change of pace.

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