2019 AX5 preliminary results

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  • #10762
    Brian Cheung
    Donald Lew

    very quick Brian! Thanks!

    Artem Rakhov

    I worked on station 5 during Run Group #2. I remember calling for at least 30 cones total, but I don’t see any cones on cars from AA and C classes. Some cars kept hitting cones all their runs, but results show 0 cones for them.

    Brian Cheung

    Thanks for pointing that out Artem. Yeah seems like the cone counter didn’t enter any cones for run group2 at all. Luckily they were all captured on the written sheets.

    I’ve verified all the results. Let me know if anyone sees anything that needs correction. I’ll post final results towards the end of the week.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Brian Cheung.
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