Here are the results from yesterday. I went through the paper logs and made some corrections. Please look over your runs and let us know if anything needs further adjustment.
Hung-Jen… Any changes to the car you’re bringing to an event do not happen in I don’t even see that data when I’m preparing run groups for an event.
Any car changes must happen in our online classification system prior to the close of registration on Wednesday. If you bring a different car than you have classified, and it’s in a different class, you will be placed in the non-compete class for the event.
I believe I re-classified my car before the event. Otherwise it won’t show me in X class. Can you please help me confirm? I am unable to re-classify again because the event is coming this weekend.
Anyone can check their active classification at any time, even when the system is closed for an event. In fact, everyone should check before every event just to be sure.